Thursday Feb 20, 2025

The concept of Global warming

The concept of Global warming is a multi-billion dollar scam of world bureaucrats

It is said that the climate of the Earth began to deviate from the “norm”. It’s a lie. There is no “norm” for the climate. Change is the only norm for climate.

Life on Earth has existed for 3.8 billion years, and all these 3.8 billion years the climate has changed on Earth. There was (probably) a period in the earth’s history when it was one ball of ice. There were periods in the history of the Earth when cucumbers could be grown at the pole. Even throughout the history of human existence as a species, the climate has changed more widely than it does now.

In the Eem period (130-115 thousand years BC), the sea level was 4-6 meters higher, and hippos were found on the Thames. In the climatic optimum of the Holocene (9-5 thousand years BC), summer temperatures in Siberia were 2-9 degrees higher. A thousand years ago the temperature was the same as it is now. “It’s probably as warm now as it was a thousand years ago.” The last sentence is a quote. Moreover, this is a quote from one of the pillars of the Global Warming Teachings – paleoclimatologist Keith Briff. It’s just that this is not a quote from his public speeches, but from his correspondence opened by hackers – Briffa and colleagues discussed the question of how best to fake scientific data.

Any discussion about the causes of climate change should begin by listing the factors that affect climate. There are many such factors. For example, the climate on Earth depends on the presence of land at the poles. If there is no land at both poles, then the Earth is much warmer. If the land is at both poles, the whole Earth will freeze.

The radical cooling that began on Earth 40 million years ago is precisely due to the fact that Antarctica stood on the South Pole. For most of the history of the Earth, there was no land at the poles, and in general the continents clustered at the equator (Pangaea, Gondwana), and the Earth was much warmer.

The dust content of the atmosphere influences the climate. 250 million years ago, trap eruptions began on Earth in Eastern Siberia, temperatures dropped, and the result was the Permian-Triassic extinction of species: they died out by 95% in the sea. 60 million years ago, the Gulf of Mexico was hit by a meteorite and the dinosaurs died out.

You will say that these are things of bygone days.

Indeed, temperature fluctuations such as the medieval climatic optimum, which took place 1000 years ago, and the Little Ice Age of the 14th-16th centuries. are not explained by either continents or meteorites.

Their cause, as well as the general reason that there is life on Earth, can be seen by anyone who wishes to raise their eyes. This cause is called the Sun. Solar activity fluctuates, with large periods of 1500 years and small periods of 30 years. Calm sun leads to cooling, and active – to warming.

Surprisingly, in no report of the IPCC (International Commission on Climate Change) you will find a list of the causes on which the climate depends.

Why? The answer is very simple. The fact is that from the moment when mankind began to record the temperature and observe the sun (approximately the last 400 years), 30-year fluctuations in the Earth’s temperature coincided with 30-year solar cycles.

In particular, in the XX century. the temperature rose from 1900 to 1940, fell from the 1940s to the 1970s (at that time we were even scared of Global Cooling), and began to rise from the 1970s. You are told that temperatures have been rising throughout the 20th century. and by the end of it grew by almost a degree? It’s a lie. Temperature in the 20th century fluctuated with the activity of the sun. The graph of solar activity and the average temperature on the Earth began to diverge only in the early 1990s.

Here! You will happily say that it was then that the Global warming, which happened because of man, began.

“No,” I object, “then the IPCC was created. “Doesn’t it seem strange to you that an international bureaucratic body was first created, whose power depended on the recognition of Global warming as a threat to humanity, and only then the temperature graphs began to diverge from the activity of the sun?”

Do you know how many weather stations were used by the American NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in the 1960s-1980s in their calculations? Answer: 6,000. Do you know how many weather stations NOAA uses now? 20 thousand – due to the danger of Global warming, you guess – and you will be mistaken.

NOAA now uses only 1,500 stations for its calculations. Over the past 40 years, stations at high latitudes, at high altitudes and in rural areas have been excluded from the calculations – that is, all that show a lower temperature. In Canada, for example, there are one hundred stations located above the Arctic Circle. NOAA takes into account data from only one abnormally warm Jurek station, better known as the “Garden of the Arctic”.

These new observations do not agree with the satellite data, and therefore a correction is introduced for the satellites, the so-called. “cold bias” – prejudice in favor of the cold. That is, imperfect weather satellites in the 1980s showed everything correctly, and everything was consistent. But the current, perfect ones, are constantly mistaken by 0.3o – you have to correct!

Do you know who developed the Global Warming Theory? All scientific theories in the world, you see, were created by scientists: Newton, Max Planck, Einstein. Who is the Newton who first guessed that the Earth is warming, and this comes from man? Who is the giant of thought who said that climate change is not the norm, but a reason for administrative regulation?

Answer: this giant of thought is called IPCC – the UN International Commission on Climate Change. Thus, the theory of Human-Dependent Global Warming is the world’s first scientific theory created not by a scientist, not by a group of scientists, but by a bureaucratic institution.

The IPCC was created in 1988 to decide: Is the current warming dangerous or not? Can it be attributed to a person or not? Is it possible to fight it or not? If the commission answered at least one question with “no”, the bureaucrats who made it up lost their jobs. If she answered “yes” to all three questions, then the scientists and bureaucrats of this commission would receive honor, respect, status, money for research and – in the future – the ability to regulate the world economy.

You will laugh, they answered yes to all three questions.

But not without difficulty. In a draft of the IPCC’s first report, the scientists who made up part of the commission’s members wrote that they had no reason to believe that humans affect the climate. The bureaucrats crossed out this text and wrote exactly the opposite: we have every reason to believe that the current climate change is related to man. Since then, we have been frightened by the transformation of the Earth into Venus, catastrophes, hurricanes, etc., and – oh horror! — an increase in the content of CO2 in the atmosphere. The content of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere is indeed increasing. What’s next? May I ask the simplest, most trivial question? We burn coal and oil and emit CO2 into the atmosphere. And where did this very CO2 in coal and oil come from? The answer is from the atmosphere. Coal and oil are a giant natural waste dump, a remnant of a global catastrophe. The biosphere was unable to process everything that grew, and a huge part of the building material that formed the basis of the early luxurious flora of the Earth was dead.

The doctrine of Global Warming is not really a science, but an ideology. This is the ideal ideology for a global bureaucracy that wants to regulate anything and everything. There are two points in this ideology. The first one is that it is built exactly on the same principle of making the average person feel like a nightmare as the idea of ​​the Apocalypse, the Second Coming and the Last Judgment. Global warming theologians scare humanity in the same way that John the Theologian: droughts, floods, waters turned into blood and locusts with golden crowns.

Second, it is built exactly on the same principle of distrust of business as communism. The doctrine of Global warming was born not by chance immediately after the collapse of Global Communism. The Left of the world could no longer talk about the Damn Capitalists Taking Surplus Value, and they began to talk about the Damn Capitalists Destroying the Environment.

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